
Selasa, 17 Mei 2011

Software MP3 Pilihan yang patut dicoba.

1. Software MP3 Cutter, Memotong lagu menjadi bagian kecil dari MP3. Bagian-bagian kecil lagu yang sudah dipotong dapat bermanfaat untuk digunakan sebagai ringtone pada telepon genggam Anda. Anda juga dapat memanfaatkan potongan lagunya sebagai suara latar ketika sistem operasi Windows Anda dimulai (setelah dikompilasi ke bentuk wav).

2. Software Paint.Net - adalah program aplikasi yang didesain untuk memanipulasi gambar dan foto pada sistem operasi Windows. Program ini sendiri mendapat dukungan secara penuh oleh Microsoft. Menurut pengembangnya, aplikasi ini memiliki fitur yang tidak kalah dengan yang komersial, termasuk adanya fitur Layer.
Selain Layer, fitur-fitur lain yang tidak kalah powerfulnya dalam hal manipulasi gambar juga disediakan, seperti special effects, History, Gradient tools, dan masih banyak tools lainnya yang bisa Anda gunakan.

3. Software USB Stick Watcher - adalah utiliti kecil yang gratis dan bermanfaat sebagai pengingat keberadaan piranti USB yang terpasang pada komputer.
Program ini akan memberikan tanda di komputer Anda apabila terdapat piranti USB yang terpasang ketika Anda ingin mematikan atau me-log off komputer. Sebagai catatan, untuk bisa menggunakan aplikasi ini, komputer Anda harus terpasang .Net framwork.

4. Software Microsoft Fix It - Microsoft Fix It adalah program aplikasi yang ringan dan gratis bagi para pengguna setia sistem operasi Windows. Aplikasi ini didesain dan dikembangkan oleh Microsoft untuk merawat serta memperbaiki berbagai kesalahan ataupun kerusakan yang terjadi pada Windows.

5. Software Kates Video Joiner - merupakan program aplikasi gratis yang memberikan kemudahan bagi para pengguna yang berkeinginan untuk menggabungkan beberapa video kesayangannya dengan aneka format file ke dalam satu format file.
Aplikasi ini mendukung berbagai macam format file video populer, antara lain AVI, WMV, MOV , DIVX, ASF, 3GP, MP4, MPEG1, MPEG2, VCD-PAL ,VCD-NTSC, SVCD-PAL, SVCD-NTSC, DVD-PAL, DVD-NTSC, dan masih banyak lagi.

6. Software Fotomix - Perangkat lunak gratis ini bisa digunakan dalam memanipulasi gambar/foto sehingga menghasilkan gambar/foto yang sesuai dengan keinginan Anda. Program ini cocok bagi Anda yang baru saja belajar desain grafis ataupun yang sudah advance sekalipun, meski agak terbatas.
Anda bisa menggunakannya untuk membuat album foto, desktop wallpapers, membuat cover CD/DVD, dan berbagai hal yang berkaitan dengan grafis. Selain itu, Fotomix mendukung beberapa bahasa, antara lain Inggris, Spanyol, Prancis, dan Jerman.

7. Software Dustbin - Gunakan perangkat lunak ini untuk mencari dan menghapus data tidak berguna (useless program) yang membebani perangkat harddisk milik Anda.
Dustbin adalah perangkat lunak gratis, ringan, cepat, serta efektif dalam mencari dan menghapus data/file atau pun program yang sudah tidak berguna dan tidak terpakai lagi oleh Anda.

8. Software Hamster Free Video Converter - Hamster Free Video Converter merupakan perangkat lunak konversi video gratis dan memiliki kehandalan serta fitur-fitur yang cukup baik dalam melakukan konversi file-file video kesayangan Anda.

Berbagai format file video populer didukung oleh software dari Hamster Soft ini, seperti 3GP, MP4, MP3, MPEG, AVI, FLV, WMV, XviD, DivX, MKV, M2TS, dan masih banyak lagi. Selain itu, Anda juga akan dimanjakan dengan berbagai fitur-fitur handal dan mumpuni, serta yang paling 'handal' adalah gratis.

9. Software Photobie - Perangkat lunak ini berfungsi untuk memanipulasi foto/gambar yang dilengkapi dengan fitur-fitur yang cukup menarik untuk sebuah software image editing gratis.
Mendukung berbagai format file gambar populer, antara lain BMP, JPG, GIF, TIFF, PNG, ICO, serta GIF dalam mode transparansi.
Fitur-fitur yang disertakan, seperti resizing, rotating, adjusting gamma dan brightness. Namun, sayangnya software ini tidak dilengkapi dengan fungsi filters atau effects.

10. Software Bywifi - merupakan aplikasi yang dikembangkan untuk meningkatkan kecepatan dalam hal streaming video. Aplikasi gratis ini mampu mempercepat bit-rate video streaming hingga 3-5 kali lebih cepat.
Selain itu, Bywifi juga dapat digunakan untuk mendownload video kesukaan Anda. Aplikasi ini mendukung banyak sekali situs-situs berbagai video, antara lain YouTube, DailyMotion, Metacafe, Facebook, MegaVideo, dan masih banyak lagi.

Semuanya dapat di temukan di Google. Selamat Mencoba.

Best Add-On untuk mempercepat Firefox Anda.

Berikut ini beberapa add-on yang dimiliki Mozila Firefox untuk mempercepat koneksi Internet anda.

1. Fasterfox-browse-faster


2. Vacuum-places-improved


3. Speed DNS


4. Tweak Network


Selamat Mencoba.

Aplikasi Chatting buat BlackBerry, iPhone, Android, dan Smartphone lain.

Ada berita bagus gan sekarang bagi anda pengguna nokia udh ada program baru yg bisa membuat agan sekalian chat dengan pengguna blackberry (BBm an) gratis gan ,bebas pulsa tpi disaran kan buat pengguna Nokia,iphone,dan android ikutan pake paket internet biar ga boros . oh iya gan, nnti agan juga bakal dapet pin jg sama kya pin BB . nah abis itu agan bisa BBm an jg deh sama temen2 agan yg pake BB , jd walaupun agan pake nokia agan juga bisa BBm an ke temen2 pengguna blackberry .
Keren Kan? Mau coba?
Download dlu aplikasinya dan install di perangkat mobile agan ,
nama aplikasinya whatsapp

Download aj aplikasi nya disini:

Selamat mencoba.

Nelpon Gratis Lewat Internet.

Beberapa keistimewaan Internet seperti:
  • Berkirim kabar melalui media elektronik yang biasa kita kenal dengan e-mail.
  • Mengobrol secara langsung.
  • Berinteraksi dengan video.
  • Dan masih banyak lagi yang lain.
Ternyata terdapat fitur yang sangat bermanfaat buat orang-orang yang hobi Telepon namun tidak memiliki cukup pulsa. Kali ini saya akan membahas mengenai cara telpon gratis melalui internet. Cara telpon gratis yang kita bahas adalah berhubungan dari komputer yang terhubung ke internet lalu dari internet terhubung ke handphone seseorang.

berikut cara telpon gratis dari internet:
1. Kunjungi situs
2. Maka akan tampil seperti gambar di atas.
3. Pilih kode negara/ Negara tujuan yang akan dihubungi.
4. Masukkan nomor telepon tujuan dengan format 62 (ganti angka "0" menjadi "62"), misalnya bila nomor tujuan 0812678910, maka formatnya harus seperti ini (62812678910). Klik gambar telpon yang bewarna hijau untuk menghubungi dan klik tombol telpon yang bewarna merah untuk mematikan telpon.

    Selamat Mencoba!

      Tips Untuk Memilih BB (BlackBerry) yang baik.

      Tipe BB yg BAIK:
      1.) Saat keadaan menyala, tekan LCD nya.. kalau ada buram gara2 ditekan (jgn dibeli...!!)
      2.) Batre: cek goresan tembaga pengalir arusnya, yg baru ga ada goresan sedikitpun..!!
      3.) Biasakan anda yg membuka dusnya, jgn biarin si penjaga konter yg buka dus, lalu agan lihat segelnya ( agan taulah yg asli gmn keadaanyaa)
      4.) kelengkapan di DUS ( earphone, batre, buku panduan, kartu garansi, biasanya dapet pocket)
      5.) Pastiin tanya ke penjaga, soal garansinya seperti apa..
      6.) kalau masih garansi, disarankan jangan ganti chasing.
      7.) Setelah dipasang batre, agan cari option > status.. lalu disitu agan ketik aja b-u-y-r, gunanya utk melihat history pemakain BB mulai dari pertama dinyalakan. Yg bener baru biasanya angka2 yg keluar pasti kecil. kalau hasilnya gede, perlu dipertanyakan.
      8.) Aktifkan layanan BB Service di toko itu jg, kalau bsa BB service yg unlimited ( harian jg bisa ).
      9.) setelah aktif, lakukan langkah berikut:

      - Cek BBM, apakah aktif atau tidak
      - download aplikasi, seperti FB, Twitter, dll.
      -masukan push emailnya (wajib), ini yg plg penting gan... soalnya kalau BB bermasalah, email suka ga fungsi

      10.) cek pin dan imei yg ada di di OS (ctrl+shift+h), Belakang batre dan di dus.. harus matching semua gan...

      Jenis Makanan yang dapat merusak Tubuh Manusia.

      Berbagai ancaman bagi kesehatan bisa ditemukan dalam makanan sehari-hari mulai dari gula, garam hingga lemak jahat. Masing-masing butuh waktu yang berbeda untuk menimbulkan kerusakan mulai dari hitungan detik hingga menit.

      Kerusakan pada bagian-bagian tertentu di dalam tubuh bisa terjadi hanya dalam hitungan jam, bahkan menit. Bahan-bahan yang biasa dikonsumsi sehari-hari lewat makanan dan minuman akan memicu kerusakan, tentunya jika dikonsumsi secara berlebihan. Seberapa cepat kerusakan itu terjadi, berikut perbandingannya seperti dikutip dari Dailymail, Selasa (15/3/2011).

      Rokok: 3 detik

      Untuk mencapai paru-paru, asap rokok
      hanya butuh waktu sekitar 3 detik dan
      langsung memacu jantung untuk bekerja
      lebih keras dalam memompa darah.
      Tekanan yang meningkat akibat kerja
      jantung yang berlebihan dapat memicu
      serangan jantung dan stroke bagi yang
      punya risiko.

      Gula: 2 menit

      Bahkan sebelum ditelan, gula sudah
      memicu kerusakan pada lapisan enamel
      gigi karena dalam 2 menit bisa memicu
      pertumbuhan bakteri jahat di rongga
      mulut. Begitu ditelan, 20 sendok teh gula
      bisa mengurangi kemampuan sel darah
      putih untuk membasmi bakteri jahat
      penyebab penyakit hanya dalam 2-5 jam

      Alkohol: 6 menit

      Dalam waktu 6 menit, 1 liter bir atau 3
      gelas anggur beralkohol sudah bisa
      menyebabkan kerusakan otak meski
      sifatnya reversibel alias tidak permanen.
      Jika dilanjutkan sampai mabuk dan
      dilakukan terlalu sering, maka
      kerusakannya akan menjadi permanen.

      Garam: 30 menit

      Makanan asin bisa memicu pengerasan
      pembuluh darah arteri alias nadi hanya
      dalam 30 menit setelah ditelan. Dampak
      lain dari kelebihan garam adalah
      terserapnya cairan ke pembuluh darah
      sehingga tekanannya naik lalu
      meningkatkan risiko stroke dan serangan

      Kafein: 30 menit

      Setengah jam setelah minum kopi, tekanan
      dan aliran darah ke otot akan meningkat
      sehingga menjadi lebih berstamina karena
      ada pelepasan hormon adrenalin.
      Sebaliknya, aliran darah ke organ lain selain
      otot akan berkurang, sehingga mengurangi

      Lemak jahat: 45 menit

      Kandungan lemak jenuh pada keju, biskuit
      dan jenis makanan lainnya bisa
      meningkatkan risiko penggumpalan darah
      dalam waktu kurang dari 1 jam.
      Dampaknya tentu saja adalah penyumbatan
      pembuluh darah yang bisa memicu
      serangan jantung. Kabar baiknya, lemak tak
      jenuh dan asam lemak omega-3 pada
      kacang-kacangan dan minyak ikan bisa
      menetralisir efek lemak jenuh.

      Aplikasi Terbaik Buat Laptop.

      1. TouchFreeze
      Terkadang touctpad dan keyboard tidak kompak dan membuat pengguna kerepotan. Begini contohnya. Ketika Anda mengetik dan tak sengaja salah satu jari mengusap touchpad, maka pointer pun berpindah posisi. Ketika itu pula ketikan Anda menjadi berantakan karena posisi teks yang diketik jadi berpindah-pindah.
      Touchfreeze dapat membuat touctpad otomatis dalam kondisi non aktif sesaat setelah Anda mulai mengetik. Utilities simpel untuk Windows NT/2000/XP ini membuat proses mengetik nyaman. Pengaktifannya cukup lewat ikon di system tray. Ikon di system tray ini dapat digunakan untuk mengaktifkan atau menonaktifkan aplikasi mungil ini. Tak banyak pengaturan selain itu karena aplikasi ini sudah langsung otomatis aktif sejak pertama kali diinstal.

      Spesifikasi TouchFreeze
      Ukuran file : 251 Kb
      Jenis : Gratis
      Website :

      2. A.L.A.R.M. - A Laptop A/C Removal Monitor

      Sering menggunakan laptop di tempat umum seperti hotspot? Pasangi perangkat Anda dengan aplikasi ini agar lebih aman. Jika adaseseorang yang berusaha mengambil laptop dan mencabut kabel power-nya, maka A.L.A.R.M akan membunyikan suara alarm yang nyaring dari speaker laptop. Ini artinya para sekuriti di sekitar lokasi dan juga Anda dapat langsung bertindak mengamankan.

      Suara alarm tersebut akan berhenti jika kabel power dicolokkan kembali atau Anda login kembali ke sistem. Suara alarm dalam bentuk sirene sudah langsung tersedia di aplikasi ini. Aplikasi Open Source untuk Windows XP ke atas ini mendukung multibahasa. Penggunannya pun cukup gampang karena semua serba diset otomatis dan Anda tak perlu banyak mengeset aplikasi ini. Aplikasi ini juga dapat di-upgrade untuk memonitor koneksi kabel lainnya sebagai pemicu alarm seperti kabel jaringan dan USB.

      Spesifikasi A.L.A.R.M. - A Laptop A/C Removal Monitor
      Ukuran file : 638 Kb
      Jenis : Gratis
      Website :

      3. LAlarm Free Laptop Alarm

      Yang satu ini juga untuk urusan sekuriti laptop di tempat umum. Jika ada pencuri yang hendak mengambilnya alarm akan berbunyi. Alarm juga berbunyi jika laptop mengetahui si empunya laptop meninggalkan laptop tanpa pengaman. Bagusnya lagi aplikasi ini menyediakan fasilitas destruksi data jika laptop benar-benar tercuri atau hilang, yang secara otomatis menghapus data-data penting.

      Fasilitas lain yang tersedia antara lain data recovery dari laptop yang tercuri hingga disk alarm yang akan memberitahu bahwa hard disk laptop bermasalah. Alarm untuk memperingatkan pengguna bahwa kesehatan laptop sedang bermasalah karena digunakan dalam jangka waktu lama pun ada. Bahkan ada fasilitas untuk mengirimkan peringatan melalui SMS dan e-mail jika perangkat berada dalam kondisi yang tidak aman.

      Spesifikasi LAlarm Free Laptop Alarm
      Ukuran file : 967 Kb
      Jenis : Gratis
      Website :

      4. Battery Care

      Aplikasi pengontrol daya baterai laptop itu sih sudah biasa. Tapi aplikasi untuk memonitor daya tahan dan kesehatan baterai laptop, mungkin itu yang lebih Anda butuhkan. Aplikasi ini dapat memantau informasi baterai secara detail hingga ketahan baterai yang digunakan. Maklum, baterai pun pun durasi daya tahan, sehingga kalau terkontrol Anda dapat menentukan waktu kapan harus mengganti baterai.
      Selain itu aplikasi ini juga dilengkapi dengan pemantau temperatur prosesor dan hard disk. Fasilitas ini memberi peringatan jika suatu waktu ada kondisi suhu yang memungkinkan membuat jeroan laptop menjadi bermasalah. Fasilitas automatic power plans switching pun tersedia. FUngsinya untuk mengubah secara langsung input power laptop dengan menyesuaikan sumber tenaga yang Anda gunakan: kabel colokan atau baterai. Pada Vista, aplikasi ini akan mengeset fungsi Aero secara otomatis menyesuaikan kondisi baterai laptop. Ketika baterai minim Aero secara otomatis akan dimatikan.

      Spesifikasi Battery Care
      Ukuran file : 1,2 MB
      Jenis : Gratis
      Website :

      5. Connectify

      Laptop Anda bisa jadi hotspot jika diinstal aplikasi gratis yang satu ini. Ya, Connectify, sayangnya hanya kompatibel dengan Windows 7 dapat mengubah laptop menjadi hotspot Wi-Fi. Pastikan notebook terkoneksi dengan internet, dan koneksi internet tersebut dapat dibagikan ke perangkat Anda yang lain seperti PDA, ponsel, atau konsol game.
      Perangkat yang dapat terkoneksi dapat diatur dan Anda tentukan. Apapun jenis koneksi internet yang Anda gunakan, baik menggunakan jaringan broadband biasa atau mobile broadband, aplikasi ini dapat digunakan. Cocok untuk penggunaan rumahan yang membutuhkan server hotspot suatu waktu saja atau tidak permanen. Ada fasilitas enkripsi sehingga tak sembarang orang bisa masuk dan menerobos koneksi. Aplikasi ini sangat simpel dan mudah dikelola sehingga siapapun dapat menggunakannya tanpa banyak pengesetan

      Spesifikasi Connectify
      Ukuran file : 1,09 MB
      Jenis : Gratis
      Website :

      6. SDExplorer

      Data di laptop anda harus senantiasa dicadangkan (back-up). Maklum, karena sifat portabilitasnya maka data dalam hard disk cenderung lebih rawan rusak ketimbang PC desktop. Salah satu aplikasi yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk mencadangkan data secara online adalah SDExplorer. Aplikasi ini akan mencadangkan data laptop ke situs file backup Windows Live SkyDrive (, di mana Anda bisa mendaftarkan diri secara gratis dan memperoleh kapasitas backup 25GB cuma-Cuma.
      Aplikasi ini akan mensinkronisasi data secara otomatis. Jika laptop lenyap, Anda tinggal mengunduh data tersebut dari akun di Windows Live SkyDrive dari PC mana saja. Penggunannya sangat mudah karena aplikasi ini akan menyatu ke dalam Windows Explorer. Layanan SkyDrive akan menjadi salah satu folder atau direktori di Windows Explorer. Ketika ingin mencadangkan file secara manual maka Anda tinggal drag-and-drop file tersebut ke direktori tersebut. Gampang dan cepat, namun pastikan laptop terkoneksi ke internet.

      Spesifikasi SDExplorer
      Ukuran file : 1,4 MB
      Jenis : Gratis
      Website :

      7. WeFi

      Umumnya laptop sudah dilengkapi dengan Wi-Fi dan aplikasi pencari hotspot Wi-Fi. Namun dengan WeFi urusan berkoneksi dengan hotspot akan jauh lebih judah. Aplikasi ini mampu mencari dan langsung mengoneksikan laptop Anda ke hotspot gratis yang ada di sekitar. Aplikasi ini memiliki komunitas yang akan men-share lokasi-lokasi hotspot gratis di seluruh dunia.
      Serunya lagi lewat aplikasi bertampilan seperti Yahoo! Messenger ini Anda dapat chat dengan teman yang juga pengguna WeFi. Aplikasi ini membuat koneksi ke hotspot menjadi jauh lebih mudah karena database-nya cukup komplet. Kami sarankan Anda ikut komunitas WeFi untuk mendata hotspot di sekitar Anda karena database untuk hotspot gratis di Indonesia, khususnya Jakarta, masih minim dibandingkan negara lain. Dengan banyaknya database tersebut makaakan memudahkan pengguna WeFi lokal. Jangan khawatir, penggunaannya pun sangat mudah dan ringkas.

      Spesifikasi WeFi
      Ukuran file : 8,38 MB
      Jenis : Gratis
      Website :

      Kecepatan Akses Internet hingga 40 GB/s Telah Dimiliki Seorang Lansia(Nenek).

      Sigbritt, seorang nenek berumur 75 tahun asal Swedia memiliki koneksi internet pribadi yg berkecepatan 40 Gigabites/second, saat ini tercatat dalam sejarah IT merupakan koneksi internet tercepat di dunia.

      Koneksi internet dirumah si nenek itu ribuan kali lipat lebih cepat dari rata2 koneksi internet di seluruh dunia, dia bisa mendownload HD DVD cuma butuh waktu 2 detik! dia juga bisa menonton secara langsung 1500 saluran HDTV secara realtime dan tanpa gangguan. Nenek ini bukanlah nenek sembarangan, dia adalah ibu dari Peter Löthberg yang merupakan legenda internet Swedia, yang sekarang kerja di CISCO dialah yang men set-up koneksi dan komputer si nenek sehingga bisa secepat itu.

      “Sebagai pemilik jaringan, kita mendorong operator untuk berinvestasi terhadap koneksi internet yang lebih cepat, lebih murah, berkapasitas tinggi dengan jarak yang tidak terbatas”. ujar Peter Löthberg seperti yang dituturkannya kepada The Local. Rahasia dibalik koneksi super-cepat ini adalah tehnik modul terbaru yang memungkinkan transfer data secara langsung antar 2 router yang jaraknya terpisah sampai 2000 km tanpa transponder perantara.

      Ilmuan Temukan Makam Monalisa.

      Ilmuwan Temukan Makam Mona Lisa? – Berita Terbaru, Sejumlah arkeolog di Florence, Italia, kini sedang mengerjakan sebuah proyek besar yang juga telah melibatkan para arkeolog terkemuka. Proyek besar itu adalah pencarian makam Mona Lisa, seorang gadis yang dilukis oleh Leonardo Da Vinci. Hingga kini, lukisan tersebut masih menyimpan banyak misteri dan teka-teki. Para ilmuwan berharap dapat menemukan makam wanita yang memiliki nama lengkap Lisa Gherardini Del Giocondo itu. Wanita yang dikenal dengan sebutan Mona Lisa itu adalah istri dari seorang saudagar sutra Italia yang tewas pada tahun 1545.

      Lukisannya sangat tersohor hingga ke seluruh penjuru dunia. Padahal, jika dilihat secara sekilas foto tersebut tidak ada bedanya dengan lukisan wanita lainnya. Namun, jika diteliti lebih lanjut, senyuman wanita yang ada pada lukisan tersebut mengandung intrik yang sangat besar. Apalagi, beberapa kode seperti LV dan angka 72 yang ditemukan pada mata Mona Lisa, mengundang rasa penasaran para ilmuwan untuk menguak misteri lukisan tersebut.

      Sejarahwan seni Italia, Silvano Vinceti berharap bisa merekonstruksi tengkorak Lisa Gherardini dan membandingkannya dengan lukisan Mona Lisa — yang versi aslinya masih tergantung di Museum Louvre, Paris, Prancis. Tim yang dibentuknya menggunakan alat georadar untuk mencari bekas reruntuhan Gereja Saint Orsola di Florence yang kemudian menjadi pabrik tembakau dan lokasi perlindungan Perang Dunia II.

      Minggu ini, para ilmuwan telah memindahkan lantai beton dan menemukan tangga bata yang diyakini menuju ruang bawah tanah. Tim bahkan menemukan dua dua makam dan kubah batu bata. “Temuan ini konsisten dengan perkiraan kami,” kata Vinceti, seperti dimuat Adelaide Now, Jumat 13 Mei 2011.

      “Seharusnya kami sudah berada di mana altar pernah berdiri. Sesuai hasil pemindaian georadar, ini mengarah ke ruang bawah tanah. Para ahli percaya Lisa Gherardini masuk biara setelah kematian suaminya. Ia juga wafat di biara dalam usia 63 tahun.

      Penggalian yang dilakukan para ahli itu diprotes sejumlah orang, terutama keluarga Lisa. Natalia Guicciardini Strozzi, anggota dari salah satu keluarga tertua Florence dan keturunan langsung dari Giocondo, menuding para arkeolog melanggar kekeramatan, dengan alasan mengungkap misteri di balik senyum Mona Lisa.

      Sejauh ini, memang tak ada lukisan semisterius dan mengundang intrik seperti Mona Lisa. Ia iyakini menyimpan banyak simbol tersembunyi: dari simbol ‘LV’ di matanya, angka ’72 di lengkung jembatan di latar lukisan, sampai senyumannya yang jadi teka-teki. Bumbu misteri Mona Lisa makin kental kala Hollywood merilis film berjudul ‘The Da Vinci Code’ — bahwa Mona Lisa menggiring ke rahasia besar, tentang Ketuhanan.

      Toyota, Menjadi Merek Paling Top diantara Kendaraan lain.

      Meskipun memiliki jutaan kendaraan mengingat di tahun 2009 dan 2010, dan setelah gempa bumi dan tsunami yang diuji infrastruktur Jepang, Toyota Motors diakui oleh konsumen sebagai merek mobil terbaik di dunia. Toyota pengakuan datang sebagai bagian dari survei yang dilakukan oleh BrandZ yang meminta ratusan ribu konsumen di 31 negara pendapat mereka tentang merek terkenal banyak. Di antara mobil Toyota ditempatkan # 27 dalam daftar menuju Apple dan Google. Runner sampai Toyota BMW, produsen mobil Jerman. BMW ditempatkan di # 30 dalam daftar keseluruhan.
      Perubahan Bersejarah
      penempatan kuat Toyota datang sebagai industri otomotif seluruh bekerja melalui beberapa perubahan bersejarah termasuk kematian dekat General Motors dan Chrysler, dan bangkitnya industri otomotif Cina. Pasar berubah dengan cepat sebagai kendaraan listrik baru seperti Nissan DAUN menghantam pasar dan sebagai konsumen permintaan lebih aman, kendaraan berbahan bakar lebih efisien dan bertanggung jawab terhadap lingkungan.
      BrandZ mencatat bahwa industri otomotif adalah karena harus melalui beberapa perubahan besar selama beberapa tahun ke depan sebagai industri mobil China sendiri flexes otot. Seperti baru-baru ini sebagai 2.007, kualitas mobil Cina adalah faktor-non. Hari ini, produsen Cina telah bekerja keras untuk menutup kesenjangan kualitas dan diharapkan pada tahun 2016, mobil Cina akan menawarkan kualitas sebanding dengan mobil-mobil Amerika. Kita juga akan melihat beberapa mobil Cina memperkenalkan mobil untuk pasar Amerika awal tahun ini.
      Survei BrandZ mengakui 100 merek Top untuk 2011, menilai setiap merek yang sesuai. Toyota nilai yang dipatok pada $ 24.128.000 atau sekitar $ 1.700.000 depan BMW, pemimpin tahun lalu. Ketiga melalui tempat kelima diduduki oleh Mercedes, Honda dan Porsche.

      Menduduki tempat ke enam hingga kesepuluh adalah Nissan, Volkswagen, Ford, Audi dan Lexus. Tentang Ford, BrandZ mencatat bahwa mobil tersebut telah membangun goodwill untuk dirinya sebagai perusahaan menghindari nasib kebangkrutan pesaing utamanya Amerika, GM dan Chrysler. Selain itu, perusahaan pemasaran dikutip Ford untuk memanfaatkan media sosial, seperti Facebook, untuk memperkenalkan produk baru seperti Ford Explorer. Ford adalah juga merupakan pengiklan besar TV, sponsor "American Idol" dan "The Amazing Race," dua reality show lebih populer.
      Tidak ada dalam daftar, tetapi diperkirakan meningkat adalah dua merek utama Korea, Hyundai dan Kia. BrandZ mencatat bahwa kedua produsen memiliki merobek keluar halaman dari pedoman Jepang dan membawa mobil baru yang menarik untuk pasar termasuk Sonata Hyundai dan Kia Soul. Berharap bahwa kedua merek akan menantang para pemimpin bahkan sebagai merek China mulai melenturkan otot mereka.

      Synthetic Oil and It's Advantages.

      Let's face it, the big oil companies have most of us locked in a cycle of changing our oil every three thousand miles, and usually paying way too much for it. While there certainly isn't anything wrong with changing your oil that often, it's certainly not optimal and frankly you're leaving money and performance on the table by following this dated pattern. By switching to a high quality synthetic lubricant you can leave 3,000 mile oil changes behind and increase the performance and life of your vehicle.
      Synthetic Lubricants Save Money and Enhance Performance
      Synthetic lubricants are far superior to conventional ones for many reasons. For starters, synthetic lubricants are made from 100% pure chemicals that are uniform and free of contaminants. Both of these are important factors for lubrication. Uniform molecules mean smoother flow and less resistance, and after all, the point of your vehicles oil is to keep it cool and running properly with the least resistance possible. Here are just a few benefits of switching to a synthetic lubricant:
      1. Your engine will run smoother.
      2. Your engine will run cooler.
      3. You will have more power.
      4. You will get better gas mileage.
      5. You change your oil less, saving money, time and the environment!
      Synthetic oils in one way or another will provide every one of these benefits and increase the useable life of your engine. The superior lubrication power of synthetics means less wear and tear on your engine and less time in the shop for you.
      Synthetic Lubricants and Extended Drain Intervals
      Perhaps the best part of changing to a high quality synthetic oil is that you can use far less oil over a given period of time. Because of their superior lubricity and stability, synthetic oils need to be changed less. In fact if you use a top of the line synthetic such as Amsoil, you can go as far as 25,000 miles without a change! That's right, by using high quality Amsoil synthetic lubricants ( in concert with an Amsoil EA Oil Filter) you only need to change your oil once a year or every 25,000 miles, whichever comes first. Now imagine, in addition to the performance benefits from using Amsoil, you also are saving hundreds of dollars a year by purchasing less oil. You are also using less oil which is great for the environment. For example, if you drive 25,000 miles per year and change your oil every 3,000 miles you are probably using close to fifty quarts of oil per year, not to mention the filters. With Amsoil you will need six quarts of Amsoil and one Amsoil filter for the same time period. The economic and environmental savings are tremendous.

      10 Gasoline Powered Cars That Get 40 MPG Or Better On The Highway.

      2011 Smart For Two - This lightweight car weighs in at only 1800 pounds and has a 3 cylinder engine helping it to achieve a 41 mpg highway rating.
      2011 Chevy Cruze Eco - General Motors shaved 125 pounds of weight off of this year's model and with the help of the "eco" system the Cruze has a 42 mpg highway rating with the 6 speed manual transmission configuration.
      2012 Mazda 3 - When equipped with the "SkyActiv" suite of technology which includes direct injection and a high compression ratio for the motor, plus an aggressive torque converter, the 2012 Mazda 3 will reach 40 mpg on the highway.
      2012 Honda Civic HF - The new Civic HF trim level falls between the regular civic and the hybrid models. By adding aerodynamic enhancements and the wheels and tires from the previous civic Hybrid model the Civic HF delivers 41 mpg on the highway.
      2012 Chevy Sonic - The new Sonic has yet to be released but general motors' product specialists are reporting that at least one version of the Sonic will achieve 40 mpg on the highway. The new Sonic incorporates transmissions and engines from the base Chevy Cruze but with an overall lighter body.
      2012 Kia Rio - The new Rio comes with direct injection to help obtain 40 mpg on the highway but it will also be the first non hybrid car to offer a "start-stop" system that turns the engine off when the car comes to a stop and then turns it back on automatically when the accelerator is pushed again.
      2012 Hyundai Accent - With the help of direct injection the new Accent is expected to get 40 mpg on the highway in both the six speed automatic and the manual transmission configurations.
      2011 Hyundai Elantra - Weighing in at only 2700 pounds and longer aerodynamics is what helps to push the 2011 Elantra to the 40 mpg mark on the highway.
      2011 Ford Fiesta SFE - The key component that helps the Fiesta SFE reach the 40 mpg mark on the highway is a dual clutch six speed automatic transmission, which is more efficient than the manual transmission. That coupled with the various aerodynamic tweaks and low rolling resistant tires have pushed the Fiesta SFE to 40 mpg on the highway.
      2012 Ford Focus SFE - Utilizing the same dual clutch transmission as the Fiesta and direct injection the regular Focus gets 38 mpg on the highway. The Focus SFE model adds aerodynamic disc style wheel covers, low rolling resistant tires, and a large spoiler. These items are what help the Focus SFE to reach the 40 mpg on the highway mark.

      10 Ways to save Your Gas Pump.

      1. AIR IT UP! Make sure your tires are inflated correctly. Tire pressure is important to gas mileage.
      2. GOT JUNK IN YOUR TRUNK? Having extra pounds of junk in your trunk can burn up the gas, so clean out that car.
      3. GOT A LEAD FOOT? Stick to driving the speed limit! Driving over the speed limit does take a toll on your gas mileage.
      4. GOT SPARK? Replace your spark plugs regularly because this can cause you to waste gas too!
      5. HOT MOMMA? If your just driving across town leave the air conditioning off! Believe me you're not going to melt.
      6. GET IN & GET GONE! Before you start your car make sure you have what you need (purse, sunglasses, drink etc) so you don't leave it running idle while you run inside the house 3 times because you forgot something.
      7. SHADE TREE WHERE ART THOU? If your able to park in the shade so the inside your car does not heat up as fast and take longer to cool down when you get back in.
      8. FILL 'ER UP! If your able to fill up your car so you don't make extra trips to the pump!
      9. THESE BOOTS WERE MADE FOR WALKIN'! If you live in an area that you can walk then girl get out there and work it! If you live a block or two from the grocery store then don't drive to get that loaf of bread or gallon of milk just walk. If you live close to your lil chicks school then just walk instead of driving.
      10. HITCH A RIDE! If you have a friend or neighbor close to your that is driving to Wal-Mart or whoever you might need to go then just tag along. And if you have a coworker that lives near you trade off driving days and carpool.

      Driving Habbit and Your Life.

      Long-term medical conditions, temporary illnesses and the environment can all affect your fitness to drive. In the UK, the Driver Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) sets the medical standards for drivers and publishes a list of conditions that must be reported. These include neurological disorders, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, psychiatric disorders, renal disorders and respiratory and sleep disorders, but is too long to be included in this article.
      Both drivers and employers can be held responsible for people driving under the influence of reportable long-term health disorders or short-term illnesses.
      What happens if you have a reportable health condition?
      Your GP or medical specialist will almost certainly tell you that your condition or disability requires that you contact the DVLA - although, ultimately, it's your responsibility to check and take the appropriate steps. After you have contacted the DVLA, they will decide if you can still hold a driving licence. By filling out a medical questionnaire, you will enable the DVLA's medical adviser to make the appropriate decisions - if the adviser needs more information, your doctor or consultant may be contacted, you may be asked to attend an appointment with a medical officer, consultant or specialist, or undergo a driving assessment, eyesight or driving test.
      The DVLA aims to make a decision on your fitness to drive within three weeks, but if they require additional information or tests, this may extend to 90 days.
      Possible outcomes are:
      • You may continue driving with your current licence, or a new one may be issued
      • If the medical adviser believes you may need a health review sometime in the future, you may be issued with a driving licence for one, two or three years
      • You may be issued with a driving licence that requires you to have special controls fitted to the vehicle you drive
      • You may be told to stop driving until your condition improves
      If the DVLA revokes your licence, all is not lost. You will be provided with a medical explanation of the decision. You have the right to appeal to a Magistrates' Court in England and Wales, or a Sheriff Court in Scotland.
      How driving can affect your health
      Not only can your health affect your driving, but driving can affect your health. For example, the British Chiropractic Association (BCA) reported recently that more than 32,000 drivers a month seek help for their back pain; those most likely to need help are mothers on the school run, reps and cab drivers.
      People suffering from stress-related disorders may find that driving may make matters worse (RoSPA reports that 85% of motorists find driving stressful). The car and its equipment can also have negative effects on people's health. For example, during pregnancy, women need to understand how to wear a seatbelt correctly.
      Older drivers, health issues and driving
      The effect of health problems on older drivers and their ability to drive are complex. Because people's physical and mental faculties are not determined by their age, any idea of withdrawing driving licences at a particular age is unrealistic - the UK's approach is to relicense drivers at age 70 and every three years.
      The driver self-certifies that they are fit to drive. While it's difficult to draw up generalities, statistics do suggest that the risk of being involved in an accident increase after 70. At 70, and especially after 80, drivers involved in accidents are also more likely to be at fault.
      An older driver, of course, is more likely to sustain injuries if involved in an accident. And, in some cases, a driver may die of natural causes while at the wheel; their vehicle often crashes, sometimes involving other road users and pedestrians in the incident.
      Yet the issue of health and driving in the later years needs to be looked at from the drivers' point of view, too, according to a paper by RoSPA (the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents). Seeking to restrict older people driving, even on health grounds, can affect their ability to live a full and independent life.
      The consequences of these restrictions, argues RoSPA, are more serious for older people than their effect on other road users. Older driving policy, therefore, needs to accurately identify precisely which older drivers and health conditions are a real danger to all road users.
      Keeping on the right side of the law
      Keeping fit and on top of your health issues will help you keep your driving licence on into your old age. But if you do find yourself diagnosed with a notifiable condition, remember that it is your responsibility to tell DVLA. If you're an employer, you may also have additional responsibilities if any of your employees have health issues that affect their ability to drive.

      How Petrol Cards can Save Your Money.

      With the political unrest occurring throughout the Middle East we are experiencing huge spikes at the pump. These unwanted adjustments will do nothing if not increase our budget, whether it is personal or business. Although the average household may be able to work around these price increases, business owners will likely have to pass on the bad news to their customers. Maintaining a budget for your business is not something that can be changed at the drop of a hat, so any savings that can be recognized will usually serve a twofold purpose.
      Petrol cards are a great investment to include in your company assets, especially since they not only save you money but they also provide additional advantages for most companies. For one thing, in the majority of these cards your price per litre of petrol is agreed upon up front. Company petrol cards serve two purposes, first it assures the petrol stations that you will be back for more and secondly it confirms to the business user that there will be no surprises within the agreed upon time.
      Whether yours is a small or a large company, petrol cards are a convenient way to proceed. In the case of large companies, each driver will have their own card and be able to use it as they deem necessary. Because the list of available petrol stations that accept these cards can be extensive, the driver would likely wait until the fuel is low enough to warrant a "fill up", then they would pull in to the nearest approved petrol station.
      Small companies can also make use of the petrol card and would likely benefit just as much financially as some of their counterparts. A petrol card can also be used to purchase other necessities that may arise while on the road, some auto related, while others may be geared towards personal travel convenience. A problem like running low on engine oil can easily be solved without taking cash out of your own pocket or dealing with mechanical problems at a later date.
      Although there is sometimes a fee associated with company petrol cards, the benefits far outweigh the charges. In addition to the funds that you can save through using one of these cards, all accounting departments will be extremely happy, especially since purchases will be detailed on their monthly statements. It will also avoid those dreaded vouchers that require cash or check payment for reimbursement.
      With all the benefits that can be gained from these convenient cards; is there any wonder that so many companies are making use of them? Other than political changes, you will have a whole lot more control of the price you will be paying and that in it will save you big.

      Luxury Kia Sedan: Consider the Possibilities!

      Kia Motors is not known for building upscale cars. Long considered the poor cousin of Hyundai, itself a budget automaker, Kia has been following Hyundai's steps in recent years to upgrade its image and product line. No doubt, the Kia Optima is a now a beautiful midsize sedan, priced right and offering many of the amenities today's car buying consumers desire.
      Kia Mystique
      Along with the Optima, Kia sells other popular models including its line of Forte compact models, the youthful Soul and its Sorento crossover. Next up is the Kia Cadenza, a large car powered by four and six cylinder engines. It won't fill the bill of what traditional large car buyers want and that is a V-8 engine which leaves open the possibility that an even larger and more luxurious sedan may follow.
      Rumors that Kia would follow Hyundai in offering a top of the line model have surfaced in recent months following Hyundai's successful launch of its Equus line beginning in late 2010. Prior to that, Hyundai had introduced the Genesis coupe and sedan, the latter proving to be a strong competitor to the BMW 5 Series and Mercedes E-Class, but priced lower than a Cadillac CTS.
      Though some have theorized mixing luxury with Hyundai would be a worthless effort, sales have proven otherwise. Consumers have shown that they're ready to embrace all things Hyundai, a brand now known for delivering rock solid quality, excellent value, state of the art styling and offering the best warranty in the business.
      Kia will have to overcome similar obstacles to bringing a luxury or premium full size sedan to the market, along with some other factors too including:
      High gas prices - As of this publication, $4 per gallon for gasoline is a challenge for drivers. Still, when it comes to full size luxury, the V-8 rules. If the big Kia delivers 25 miles to the gallon it may have a shot. Then again, at that price would drivers prefer an Audi or a Cadillac?
      Stiff competition - A big Kia must be priced to get the attention of drivers who might otherwise purchase a Buick Lucerne or who had previously shopped for a Mercury Grand Marquis. The former model is aged and soon to be discontinued; the latter model ceased production in 2010. Can Kia grab these car owners before others step in?
      Residual values - Hyundai new car values are holding up better than ever, but can the same be said of Kia? That's something hard to quantify with a vehicle that isn't even sold yet. If Kia prices its big sedan smartly, then it may attract buyers who won't worry about sharply falling car values a few years down the road.
      Hyundai competition - The Kia Optima is a formidable competitor to the outstanding Hyundai Sonata, but hasn't siphoned sales from Hyundai yet. With a full size sedan, that could change if the Kia model goes after the same customers. The luxury market is profitable, but it is also a fairly small market too.
      When will Kia decide on whether to bring a large sedan to the market? Expect a decision later this year as the automaker follows demand for all of its vehicles. If gas prices trend lower, then that will offer Kia one more reason to build its own luxury import fighter.

      Choose Best Seat for Your Kids.

      Deciding upon the perfect convertible car seat is a challenge for all parents, especially those who have been using an infant car carrier seat for their baby. Once your infant is over 20 lbs. she will be too big to use the infant types of car seats, even if she is still under one year of age. Once she is over twelve months of age, she must be moved out of the infant seat to a larger seat.
      Convertible car seats are gaining in popularity since they offer so much versatility. They can be used rear facing for infants and toddlers, and then they can be turned around to face the front when your child is older. This eliminates the expense and hassle of buying another car seat at each and every stage of development.
      There are several factors that you will want to keep in mind when you are searching for that perfect convertible car seat. The choices can seem overwhelming as there are a multitude of brands and models from which you can choose. It is worthwhile to fully understand that all convertible car seats on the market in the US meet or exceed government safety standards. There is no way to determine which car seats are safer or less safe than another, as the seats are all graded by the government as pass or fail. Therefore, keep in mind that you are searching for features and conveniences rather than actual safety mechanisms as you shop for a convertible seat.
      Comfort is an important issue, especially if you will be taking long road trips with your child. Nobody wants to sit in a cramped or hard seat for any amount of time, even little babies. Touch the upholstery and press the cushioning down to determine if the actual seat would be comfortable for your child to ride in on a regular basis. Some of the cheaper seats feel particularly hard, while many of the more expensive seats boast luxurious padding.
      Convenience is another factor that may play a big part in your selection. How easy is it to install the car seat? Particularly if you will be moving it regularly between different vehicles, you will want to ascertain that you can install it safely on your own without help from others.
      The adjustable of the straps is another important concept to keep in mind as you search for the best seat for your child. Some seats have straps which can only be adjusted by uninstalling the entire seat in order to access levers or straps located in the back. Others have straps which can be adjusted without uninstalling and reinstalling the seat, yet must be re-threaded through new slots at each adjustment. The most convenient and user friendly types of straps can be adjusted very easily by squeezing a lever or turning a knob and then pulling or pushing the strap or headrest. Those seats are generally pricier, however if you will be using this for multiple children, then this may be a very worthwhile investment that will save you a lot of time.

      Safe Driving Means Save Budget!

      Everyone seems to be looking for new ways to save money these days, and sometimes the biggest money savers lie in places that people would not necessarily think to look. When it comes to driving, saving money is normally reflected in trying to get better gas mileage, paying less in interest on your vehicle, or skipping the professional detailing and pulling out the water bucket and hose. Though these are great ways to save, there are even more things that drivers can do to make their budgets stretch. Safe driving is of course valuable because it keeps people out of harm's way, but it can also contribute to financial savings. The ways in which it does so may not exactly be obvious, but following the rules of the road can and will save you cash.
      • Drive the speed limit. Following posted speed limits will save in more ways than one. First, your car will get better gas mileage, meaning you pay less at the pump. Second, you will be less likely to get pulled over. A ticket for speeding can start at a hundred dollars and grow quickly, in addition to causing your insurance bill to rise - really putting a strain on your budget. Is that worth arriving at your destination a minute earlier?
      • Prevent accidents. By practicing safe driving, you can avoid many accidents. Of course, there is no way to account for the actions of others that may result in your being involved in an accident, but should you be following the laws and driving cautiously you are much less likely to cause a crash. Should the accident be your fault, the cost of vehicle repairs and medical bills will fall on your insurance - and hike up your premium. Not to mention the fact that you will have to pay your deductible before you even benefit from that pricey premium.
      • Keep bills to a minimum. The cost of a ticket or an accident can really break the bank, but what about that premium that you pay every month for car insurance? Wouldn't you like to see that monthly bill decrease? Many insurance companies have started offering safe driver discounts to individuals who do not get a ticket or cause an accident over the course of a specific length of time. Though saving a couple of dollars per month on your insurance may not seem to be that much of a money saver, those bills add up and you could save hundreds over the course of the year, depending on your coverage and your insurance company.
      As people struggle to make their way in the new economy that is still emerging after the recession, it's important that they pinpoint behaviors and spending habits that will help them save some cash. Safe driving is important no matter how much you spend doing it, as the value of a life is far beyond anything money can pay for, but as a budget saver safe driving can also help you make the most of your paycheck.

      How to optimally Your battery!

      If you are planning on taking a vacation for several months then one thing you will need to do is ensure your car batteries are optimally charged. Unfortunately, what many people do is simply allow their battery to die thinking that they can always get it recharged later on. While this is usually enough to get the job done, what ultimately happens is that the battery life is cut short.
      Benefits to using a battery maintainer
      The best solution then is to invest in a car battery charger as these are specifically designed to keep batteries from losing their charge. One of the best ones available right now is from Battery Tender as they are very simple to use and inexpensive as well. All you do is ensure that everything is hooked up and you can literally walk away without any maintenance on your part.
      The Battery Tender charger comes equipped with a four step charging process that will automatically switch to maintenance mode. What this means then is that you have a battery that is optimally charged at all times so that you can fire up your engine when needed. Gone are the days of the clicking noise from your engine as you turn the ignition key.
      Reasons to have a battery charger
      One very common cause of battery failure is simply due to not driving for an extended period as the battery eventually loses its charge. If you plan to take a vacation then you simply must have a charger so that your car can still start up when you return from your trip. This will certainly save future frustrations of having to take the battery to a local automotive shop to get it charged again.
      Another reason to have a battery charger is that you simply can never know when a roadside emergency may come up. Having a charger or some sort of jump starter will help you out of these tricky situations instead of having to rely on towing services. These electrical devices are not even that expensive too so keeping one in the car is a must.
      Assuming proper maintenance has been done, a normal car battery has about three years of life before it needs a replacement. Not many people realize but a charger can actually help to extend the life of a battery which means that you can easily save hundreds of dollars. Having a battery charger is certain to pay for itself which is why many individuals are now starting to keep them in their cars.

      Jaguar's Super Car!

      British automaker Jaguar has a plan to bring a supercar to the market, a $1 million hybrid that it says will go on sale beginning in late 2013. Code-named C-X75, just 200 copies of the car will be built from 2013-2015, a vehicle that features a carbon-fiber body to provide a lightweight, yet strong structure reports Automotive News.
      Hybrid Supercar
      The Jaguar supercar will be a hybrid, utilizing an internal combustion gas engine mated with a pair of electric motors. Jaguar says that the car will have the capability of rocketing from 0 to 60 mph in about 3 seconds and have a top speed of 200 mph. Of course, top speed cannot be legally achieved although on a race course owners will be able to test the hot Jag's limits.
      Jaguar insists that the C-X75 moniker will be utilized, but it seems likely that another name will be added to identify the vehicle. The automaker says that it will hire engineers and workers to handle production which is expected to be accomplished at its factory in the U.K.
      Paris Motor Show
      Rumors of a Jag supercar have been floated in recent years and hit a fevered pitch at the 2010 Paris Motor Show as a concept of the car was offered for media and consumer consumption. Like all automakers, Jaguar used the Paris show and subsequent venues to gauge customer reaction to the supercar. Those customers aren't likely to represent the typical C-X75 buyer who will most likely be the same people who shop Koenigsegg, Ferrari, Bugatti and other exotic car makers. Likely, these will be people who are attracted to collectibles and will be interested in what Jag has to offer in its soon to become a reality halo car.
      Not everyone is convinced that the Jag supercar will bolster the image of the British automaker which was purchased by Tata Motors from the Ford Motor Company in 2009. Jaguar has been struggling to find a footing in the competitive European luxury market that is dominated by Mercedes-Benz, BMW and Audi.
      Jaguar Global Relevance
      The company needs a smaller model to compete against the likes of the Mercedes C-Class and BMW 3 Series, and broaden its appeal to the American car buying consumer. Bringing the C-X75 to the market might present a distraction to Jaguar as it seeks broaden its customer base and remain relevant against stiff competition worldwide.

      Some Simple Review about Driving Test Tips.

      You need advance preparation as well as a cool mind to pass a driving test. The tips here will help you to qualify for the test without much trouble.
      Everyone who takes the driving tests looks for the driving test tips so that he can qualify. It is advisable that one works on the skill as much as he can. Simply trying some methodology is not going to work out. Experience is going to help you there, therefore it is advisable that you practice as much as you can rather than looking to do some ready made tips which will help you pass the test.
      There are many general driving test tips which one can work upon to pass the test. Sometimes it may happen that you have done a lot of practice and have worked really very hard on the training but on the day of the test, you may feel nervous and you may not be able to pass the test. Therefore, it is important that you take the test confidently; it will help you pass the test. So being relaxed is an important thing that you remember all the time.
      The other very important driving test tip is that you must get enough rest before on the day of the test. If you rest, then you will be able to concentrate on the road which will mean that you give yourself more chance for passing the test.
      One more important driving test tip is preparation. Preparation as in any other area in life plays an important role. Prepare well in advance. Try to gain knowledge about the driving License test road, the potholes and other details. Also it is important that you familiarize yourself about the roads and the hazards that may come across during the driving test. If you are well prepared, it is expected that you will make all the right moves. Therefore preparation is one of the better driving test tip which you must follow. Being communicative also helps. If you do not understand any of the instructions then you should ask the instructor so that he gives you further information related to the test. It's always a good thing to seek clarification.
      Have the right attitude while going through the test. Attitude matters a lot when on the road, therefore, you are expected to shoe a driving attitude which is liked by the people who are taking your test. You should be calm and should shoe a lot of patience because these are the qualities that you need to display on the road. All you need to do is go and take your test confidently and you will certainly pass the test. If you follow all these driving License test tips then you are going to qualify without much trouble.

      Tips to Buy Great Cheap Car.

      If you are interested in picking up a cheap car, then you may wonder where you can find one. There are some great ways to locate a cheap model so that you don't have to worry about steep auto prices each and every month. Saving money by driving a cheaper vehicle may give someone more money in their pocket each and every month.
      Low rates on a car could come from waiting to the end of a year. End of year dealership sales can have someone getting into a low priced car. These devices are still new but are at the end of their year. Many dealers will feature low prices and special promotions.
      You may also discover a reliable and affordable car by looking at used models. To find a used vehicle you can look online or go to a used shop. There are many reliable vehicles available that are in great shape and simply need a new driver.
      Combining an affordable monthly auto payment with cheap insurance companies, will ensure that a driver has low monthly transportation costs. Affordable coverage and a reliable car can make commuting to work and social events easier to handle.
      Having driving training and no tickets could help someone get low rates when hunting for the right auto coverage. That idea may encourage someone to not speed and encourage any tickets. Taking a driving course when learning how to drive may also help to get a low rate when looking for a new policy.
      It also helps to drive a vehicle that is approved by most protection agents. These cars could include a specific type of brand, with four doors and certain features. The cheaper the car is to fix and repair, the easier it will be to insure for less. Buying a cheaper model that is also cheap to repair, could help to lower rates on policies.
      Driving a vehicle with a low policy rate and a low monthly payment, could make the idea of owning a vehicle more manageable. Learning how to reduce car costs through affordable monthly rates, can keep a driver on the road and keep extra money in their pockets. Drivers who have a clean record and who have no history of claims, may be able to find low rates on their monthly policy. Agents will look at the driving record and will take into consideration the type of vehicle that is driven, in order to allow for low rates.

      Ford Plans 246-HP Focus Release for 2012.

      The hottest compact on market right now may be the Mazda3, but its challenger is waiting in the wings. Or at least it is being tested on race tracks around the world in advance of its anticipated 2012 release.
      The Ford Focus ST promises to be the fastest compact car ever built by the Ford Motor Company, powered by an EcoBoost four cylinder engine paired with a six-speed manual transmission. As of this publication, some 60 prototypes are navigating Germany's famed Nurburgring race track as well as handling roads in Britain and California.
      Ford Focus Enhancements
      The hot to trot Focus will feature an upgraded interior, custom wheels and body kit enhancements. Unmistakably a Focus, this compact will have the heart and soul of a Ford Mustang. It just might beat certain versions of the steed on the road too.
      Ford is holding details of the Focus close to the vest lest Mazda and to a lesser extent Volkswagen learn what it has planned. The Volkswagen GTI is smaller and lighter, but Ford may be eying its enthusiast base as well. There is a big gap between subcompact sporty cars and personal coupes such as the Mustang, Camaro and Challenger, thus the Focus ST should be able to fill it.
      All New Focus
      The current generation Ford Focus made its debut in 2008 to the European market, but only found its way to America in 2011. That follows Ford's decision in 2008 to invoke its "One Ford" policy whereby the company builds many of its models for all of its markets. The previous generation Ford Focus featured a distinctly American version as well as a European inspired global version. The former model failed to live up to the latter, but at least its sales were respectable.
      Ford's plans for the Focus ST should rest a number of rumors about its performance side, at least for now. Thought that a hyped up Fiesta model would surface can now be dismissed -- that vehicle would be too close to the Focus ST, causing much in-fighting among Ford products. That also means Ford isn't likely to purse a coupe version of its popular Fusion midsize sedan. Honda and Nissan continue to sell sedan and coupes in this segment, but Toyota has since abandoned the Camry Solara, choosing to focus on sedan and crossover versions instead.
      Price Mystery Remains
      No word yet how much the Ford Focus ST will cost, but a beginning price in the neighborhood of $25,000 seems likely. This model will be powered by its front wheels which means stabilizer bars and sport tuning will be standard. Look for a number of aftermarket options to be made available for buyers who eschew factory installed performance packages.

      The 2011 MKT From Lincoln.

      If you haul a lot of people around on a regular basis but don't want to sacrifice functionality for style then definitely take a look at the 2011 Lincoln MKT. This luxury vehicle seats up to seven people while still being stylish on the outside and inside. The most prominent part about the MKT's appearance is its front grille which is rather eye catching. Buyers have the option of selecting from a model that seats six passengers or one that can seat up to seven.
      The MKT is extremely well insulated; even when driving at fast speeds you care sheltered from exterior noise. Leather lines the comfortable seats while wooden accents give the vehicle an air of class and supreme elegance. Passengers and driver alike can adjust the front seats to their individual liking. Standard equipment includes a panoramic fixed glass Vista sunroof, a rear view mirror which makes backing up a cinch, a climate control system and heated seats. A push button start feature lets you start your car without having to use your keys. Not only that; it also remembers your memory features including the position of the driver's seat. Second row passenger can adjust air temperature thanks to an intuitive console. Ambient lighting can be adjusted to various colors according to your mood.
      There are two different engines available; the base and Ecoboost. What makes this engine different is that it extracts more power from the fuel when compared to traditional engines. The base engine is a six cylinder 3.7 Liter that puts out 268 hp. The Ecoboost engine is a V6 that outputs 355 hp. The power of the six cylinder is similar that of most eight cylinder engines. Electric power assist steering is also available; this makes it a lot easier to steer during critical moments such as windy weather.
      The refrigerated console is really the cherry on top for the MKT. This allows you to store ice cold drinks at temperatures of down to 41F; perfect for long trips on hot summer days. The fridge console can also be utilized in freezer mode. An 8" touch screen display controls navigation, audio and temperature functions and works with voice commands.
      There are a total of six air bags available which include front bags and side bags. The Anti Lock Brake System prevents the wheels locking up by distributing brake force evenly. The rearview camera makes it a lot safer to reverse and lets you know how far the objects behind you really are.
      This vehicle stands out from the majority of large SUV's due to its unique looks plus. In addition it offers rare luxury features such as a refrigerated console. The 2011 MKT is a real winner in its class when it comes to technology, luxury and performance.

      Car Trends on 2012.

      The auto industry continues to evolve as higher gas prices, renewed competition and global economic forces put the squeeze on a 125 year old industry. We're seeing change happening faster than ever before, but those changes are expected only to accelerate in coming years. Let's take a look at five new car trends certain to dominate in 2012:
      1. 40 MPG or else -- Blame Hyundai for raising the bar so high that every other manufacturer will need to reach higher and quickly. When the Korean automaker released its all new Elantra compact in late 2010, it was the first model to offer the same fuel mileage across all trim levels. That threshold is 40 mpg, something Kia and Hyundai, its corporate cousin, will be meeting with about a half a dozen models for 2012. Hyundai and Kia sales are exploding and you can credit exceptionally good gas mileage for that fact. Other manufacturers are certain to follow suit.
      2. Improved safety -- Besides getting excellent gas mileage and offering a comfortable interior, car buying consumers are demanding even safer vehicles. Manufacturers are doing that by offering side curtain air bags, traction control and improved roofs to survive rollovers, but the changes coming down the road include such new devices as inflatable seatbelt airbags and collision avoidance systems.
      3. Environmentally friendly -- Consumers want cars that are much more environmentally friendly than vehicles sold just five years ago. Besides building hybrids and electric cars, car shoppers are looking at what goes into these vehicles, namely what sort of filler is placed in seats, in headliners and in carpets. Look for greater amounts of recycled materials to be used. The Ford Fusion Hybrid already features seats made from reclaimed plastics.
      4. American made -- Whoever said the U.S. car industry is dying? More cars are made in the United States in recent years than in 2010 or 2009 in part because buyers are looking at cars from General Motors, Chrysler and the Ford Motor Company. They're also buying American built cars produced by Honda, Toyota, Kia, Hyundai and others with some so-called "foreign" manufacturers building cars here for export over there.
      5. Leasing, not buying -- Sales will increase over the next few years on the back of leasing, not buying. Consumers are learning that some cars offer an excellent residual value three years out which means lending companies are lowering lease rates to some of the best levels yet. With little to nothing down, consumers are getting behind the wheel of cars they can't afford to buy, but can afford to rent.
      There are other trends that will emerge in 2012 including the greater use of eight-speed transmissions, expanded hybrid and electric choices and new in-cabin navigation technologies. However, these five trends will dominate and set the course for an industry now on an upswing.

      Volkswagen Cars!

      A brand name that seems incapable of committing errors, Volkswagen appears to be an intelligent make over the years. If you are a Volkswagen cars fanatic and want to drive away your favorite model home, get ready because this year is going to be very exciting. The Australian car dealers are all set to hit the best gear with an amazing range of best Volkswagen cars for sale that every VW lover must consider to buy. Read on to find out the best model as per your style and class.
      Volkswagen Golf
      Among various Volkswagen cars for sale, the Volkswagen Golf is the first choice for those who want class, charm and status is their car. From a classy cabin to efficient, clean and smooth engines, the Volkswagen Golf is a smooth, safe, luxurious car. The look has the combination of style and elegance. Tested carefully by the makers and loved thoroughly by the users, Volkswagen Golf is definitely a pleasure on wheels.
      Volkswagen Beetle
      Engineered in Germany and designed in California, Volkswagen Beetle comes in three different variants including a convertible, a sedan and a roadster/speedster. The Volkswagen Beetle is style-charming, attention grabbing and unique. Along with a great body and mind blowing looks, it is designed to make heads turn. With great features like Electronic Stabilization Program (ESP), Electronic Brake-pressure Distribution (EBD), Anti-lock Braking System (ABS), and driver and passenger front side/head air bags, Volkswagen Beetle is there to make a statement.
      Volkswagen Amarok
      A ruff and tuff adventurous car with a ruff and tuff appearance, Amarok is designed to allow additional wheel lock under braking to minus the stopping distance on dirt and gravel. The first one-tinne ute by Volkswagen, Amarok has the widest tub in the class, measuring 1555mm long, and 1222mm between the wheel arches. With a push of an 'off road' button near the gear shift, Amarok is made for the funky and adventurous souls out there.
      Volkswagen Scirocco
      Styled, planned and designed for every sports car lover, the Scirocco by Volkswagen is fine looking, solidly built and is sharp to handle. By being the most powerful, energetic and smart version of Volkswagen, it is a car that benefits from not having any direct competitor, which makes sure that you are getting something that is unique, unusual and distinctive. With its range-topping 2.0 TSI GT spec, the Volkswagen Scirocco comes with outstanding levels of apparatus and its neat handling and terrific elegance makes it a great package. On the whole, the Scirocco is sure to tempt every buyer.

      Car 'Thing' That Waste Money.

      Okay, so you love your car and you're proud to show it off. That's great, because it probably means you take care of your ride, but is there such a thing as taking too good care of it? Below are some car-related expenses that you may be wasting your hard earned money on. Like the old saying goes, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
      - 3,000 mile oil changes. You probably can't remember the last time anyone told you different, but manufactures usually suggest oil changes between every 5,000 to 7,500 miles, and even longer for some cars. Plus, there may be two oil recommendations, one for normal driving and one for "hard" driving. If you barely drive your car, considering going by the calendar, not the odometer. However, oil changes twice a year are the minimum.
      - That premium gas. In today's economy there is really no need to fill up with premium gasoline. Even the cheapest gas protects your car's engine.
      - That good ole' shop around the corner. Shop around for repair costs, as many dealers will jack up their prices. Independent shops will almost always do the same quality work for much cheaper prices. Also, keep in mind that some dealers may tell you that using outside garages will violate your car's warranty; this is a lie. But bear in mind, not every garage is as qualified as your dealer. Look for garages that are ASE-certified, a good housekeeping seal of approval from the nonprofit National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence. Also, find someone who is willing to answer all of your questions and who takes your concerns seriously. Another tip, drive your car before you pay, this way you can be sure the problem was fixed.
      - Make minor repairs yourself. Replacing your air filter and wiper blades is a simple, five minute job. You can purchase them on sale at a discount auto-parts store rather than paying the dealer's price for them plus you cut labor costs. Wipers should be replaced once a year and it's easiest to just buy the whole blade, not the refill. Air filters should be replaced every other oil change if you live in a dusty climate, otherwise at least once every 20,000 miles.
      - Antifreeze changes. You only need to change your antifreeze when a hydrometer suggests your car will no longer withstand temperatures 30 degrees below the coldest your region sees in the winter. Most dealers and mechanic shops are willing to check this for free. You really only need to replace your antifreeze every two years, but keep your cooling system lubricated by running the air conditioner every few weeks in winter.
      - The manufacturer's schedule. Stick to your manufacturer's schedule rather than what the dealer says. Oftentimes the dealer with recommend major tune-ups when they're completely unnecessary. Unless you hear odd noises, don't change the spark plugs or other electrical devices until the manufacturer says so.
      With gas prices on a continual rise and the economy in a recession, it's important to save money where you can. By utilizing the above steps you'll be able to save cash on a number of your car-related expenses.

      Tips to Making Your Car Last Longer.

      The most expensive thing about owning a car is purchasing a new one; tags, plates, insurance, etc. By putting a little love and attention into the car you own now, you can actually delay the buying process for several years. If you're driving around a paid-off car you'll get to skip out on monthly payments and pay less in insurance premiums. Your car is probably one of the most expensive things you own, so why not treat it that way? Here are some tips to ensure your car makes a few more trips down that highway:
      - The owner's manual is there for a reason. You'll want to follow the manufacturer's recommendations on oil changes and regular maintenance check-ups. In fact, throw that old oil change every 3,000 miles rule out the window, instead look up how many miles your specific car's oil needs to be changed. This will help you build a check-up routine and regular visits to the mechanic can help spot problems that could impair the overall well-being of your car. However, you want to double-check every repair your dealer or mechanic suggests with the owner's manual. For example, a dealer might recommend a transmission flush at 20,000 miles, while the manual says 80,000. Considering transmission flushes can run up to $120, you might want to keep in mind the dealer's motives.
      - Make a new friend. No, not just anyone, make good with your mechanic. You want to go to someone you trust for repairs, just like you should ultimately buy a car from a dealer you trust. Even if you become pals with your mechanic you should plan on getting a second opinion on costly repairs and remember, you don't have to say yes to every repair suggested.
      - Online forums. Utilizing online forums will give you a chance to spot potential car problems down the road. Most cars have an enthusiastic online following and this will give you a chance to discuss issues, repairs, common problems, etc.
      - Don't ignore "that sound." You want to pay close attention to not only your car's sounds but also warning lights and cosmetic issues, like loose bumpers, rubber trim, etc. Ignoring a problem will only make it worse in the long run and thus, more expensive to fix. If you know your way around a car you're probably able to make small repairs yourself, but don't forget to seek advice on big problems.
      - Love that car! Wash, wax and vacuum your car. Treat leather surfaces and paint exteriors with TLC. Doing these things will prevent premature aging on both the exterior and interior of your car.
      You may want to "treat" your car every once and while by having it detailed and shampooed. You can also consider buffing out scratches and removing small dents. Think about it, the better your car looks the more you'll want to take care of it. Your car is one the most important things you own, as it gets you to work, home and even play. Taking care of your car will allow you to enjoy its benefits longer and reduce new car costs in the future.

      Simple Way to Save Your Tyre!

      Tires are one of the most important safety features on your car. They help protect you and your car from worn road damage, unsavory weather conditions and a host of other possibilities. This is exactly why tires should be replaced every five years, 50,000 miles or when they begin to show excessive wear and tear. Although you're probably reluctant to take the mechanic's advice on replacing your tires, you should shop around or get a second opinion, otherwise you run the risk the putting yourself in harm's way. Obviously, the reason everyone dreads hearing that they need new tires is because of the high costs associated with this necessary repair. Below are some tips to help you save money when the time calls for replacing your tires.
      1. Shop around. Just because the mechanic at Meineke tells you that you need new tires, does not mean you have to purchase them there. You can find out your car's tire size by locating it on side of your current tires. It should show you three numbers; tire width, aspect ratio and wheel diameter. Now you can use these numbers to shop around at different stores, online and even used parts stores. Remember to invest in tires that will get you through tough situations, especially if you live in a harsh weather climate.
      2. Buy an entire set. Yes, even though you're scared of the total cost, you should invest in a complete and new set. This prevents against un-even wear and tear in the future and thus, cuts down on trips to see the mechanic.
      3. Rotate Tires. Rotating your tires every 10,000 miles ensures that your tires wear as evenly as possible. Again, un-even tire wear will result in more maintenance trips. If you can handle a lug wrench, you may be able to rotate tires yourself.
      4. Keep your car aligned. If you've ever let your hands go off the wheel or held it with a loose grip and noticed your car pulls to one side, your car is out of alignment. Re-aligning your car is a quick and easy process and will drastically improve your tire's tread life.
      5. Sell those old tires. It actually may cost you money to dispose of your old rubber. In order to avoid an upwards cost of $5 per tire, you can choose to sell or give away your old tires. This all depends on the shape of the existing tires and the amount of tread left. Otherwise, plan on lugging them to the good ole' junkyard.
      Here is another tip to keep in mind, just because you can afford a certain car doesn't mean you can afford the maintenance costs associated with it. Yes, getting new tires is usually an expensive venture and it is something you should be prepared for. Remember, you don't want to skimp out on buying the cheapest tires or not replacing them at all, just because you can't afford to. After all, few parts of your car are as important to safety, comfort and fuel economy as your tires.

      Short Story About Audi

      In 1899 a gentleman named August Hoch founded a company called Horch & Co. In 1901 he invented his first vehicle with the help of 15 workers. By 1909 August left this company because of major problems on the commercial management side of things. Mr Hoch then founded a new company called Audi; the name was derived from the Latin translation of the word Hoch. August chose this name because he wanted to build cars under his own name. In 1910 the brand Audi Automobile were GmbH. Production of vehicles by Audi continued until the First World War.
      During the war Audi was forced to help produce vehicles for the war effort, and then following the war there was a recession which almost saw the end of the brand itself. Horch left the management in 1920, leaving the management of the firm to battle through the hard times from 1927 through 1930. In 1931 the management decided that the only way to keep the company afloat would be to merge with other vehicle manufacturers. This saw the creation of what was called the Auto Union. This union between manufacturers had great success until the Second World War. During the war every factory in Germany was destroyed by American bombers. After the war, there were many military vehicles that required spare parts and maintenance; this was the main reason for the manufacturers to have a new start in Ingolstadt, Germany.
      Daimler-Benz took an 87% holding into the Auto Union Company in 1958 which increased to 100% in 1959. They then decided to dispose of the Auto Union Company brand based on its lack of profitability in 1960. Coincidentally the closing of this company allowed the brand name of Audi to be rediscovered by opening the newly closed factory which had already drawn up a near production ready modern four stroke engine.
      Volkswagen acquired a 50% holding in the new Audi firm in 1964, 18 months later it bought the rest of the controlling stock and by 1966 Volkswagen was using the Audi plant to assemble an extra sixty thousand beetles per year. By 1970 Volkswagen introduced the Audi brand in the US. At this time the Audi image was conservative. With models like the Audi 50, Audi 100 and the Audi 80. The 1986 Audi 80 was considered to have an image of someone's grandfather's vehicle. Then in 1987 Audi produced a new and elegant for its time, Audi 90. The Audi 90 had a set of standard features that surpassed anything Audi had released previously.
      During the early 1990's Audi began to shift its selling demographic and target a younger consumer base. Body styles were reworked to be more aerodynamic and pleasing to the eye while new engines were developed to offer more performance on the road coupled with suspension modifications which made the vehicle more responsive and fun to drive.
      From 2000 onwards Audi's sales have continued to grow. Audi now has six different manufacturing plants around the world in order to keep up with the demand for its vehicles. For a company that basically disappeared in its early years it has to be noted as one of the most successful recoveries of a brand in the history of the automotive business.

      Preview at the 2010 Jeep Grand Cherokee

      The 2010 Jeep Grand Cherokee is a midsize SUV that saw its last major redesign back in 2005, since then, overall handling and suspension performance have improved drastically. For a five passenger SUV, off-road capabilities are excellently executed and acceleration capacity is impressive; unfortunately, fuel economy is not up to par and the interior is quite cramped. The V8 engine delivers nicely with a whole lot of grunt.
      The Grand Cherokee comes in three different trim levels that include the base Laredo, the Limited (both can be equipped with either RWD or 4WD) and the SRT8 which is only available with all-wheel drive. The Laredo features alloyed 17-inch wheels, outside heated mirrors, a tilt-and-telescoping steering column including audio controls, A/C, full powered accessories, cruise control, a trip computer, an eight-way power driver-seat, a rear 60/40-split seats, a CD stereo with six speakers, an audio auxiliary jack and satellite radio. Options you can choose from for the Laredo trim include foglights, sunroof, a rear back-up camera as well as rear parking sensors, automatic headlights, a rearview auto-dimming mirror, heating front seats, upholstery made of leather, remote ignition, power-adjustable pedals, a front powered front passenger seat, a navigation system as well as real-time traffic, Bluetooth, a digital music storage hard-drive, an upgraded stereo, and iPod interface.
      The Limited trim level includes the above Laredo features plus dual-zoned climate control, memory functions for the driver seat, rear heating seats and rain-sensing wipers while the SRT8 is also equipped with all the Laredo features plus 20-inches of wheels, larger brakes, a sport suspension, exterior specialized styling enhancements, front sport seats, a high performance trip computer, suede/leather upholstery, trim made of leather, a body-heat climate control sensor and a sound system with 11 speakers.
      The 2010 Jeep Grand Cherokee trim levels come with a V-6 3.7-liter that produces up to 210 hp and 235 foot pound of torque but, you could opt for a Hemi V-8 5.7-liter engine that can produce 357 horses and 389 foot pound of torque while the SRT8 model comes with a V-8 6.1-liter generating 420 horses and 420 foot pound of torque with all models coupled up with a five-speed automatic tranny. The V-6 gets a fuel economy of 16/21/18 mpg (in 2WD), the V8 models get a rate of 14/20/16 mpg while the 4WD models estimate at 13/19/15 and the AWD SRT8 gets an estimation of 12/16/13 mpg fuel economy.
      Safety features include antilock brakes, side curtain airbags, stability control and a roll-over detection system for added protection. Off-road and on-road, this vehicle handles surprisingly well and the steering is nicely precise although, the suspension is a tad on the bumpy side when hitting those annoying potholes but all-in-all the 2010 Grand Cherokee has great acceleration and nice quick steering for those unforgiving corners that our bound to cross your path.

      Some Tricks & Tips for You, When Buying and Selling Jewelry.

      Design and production of home-made jewelry is a hobby or a passion for many people. In addition to wearing jewelry you can make a variety of templates. You can use your creativity and make some income by selling jewelry online. There are several ways to sell jewelry online. Try and give attention to detail as it can be the key to success. Try to sell your creations through a series of online resources to find out what you need. Take digital photos of different home-made designer jewelry so that you can highlight the different perspectives of the same item. The images, which have all the precise details of the design and full length images showing the appearance of jewels. Jewelry can be difficult to describe, especially when it sparkles. Factors such as camera angles, lighting and resources play an important role in the description of images, design and appearance. List your jewelry for sale on the Internet on existing sites.
      There are many sites to promote and sell things that are handmade. The best option is to use auction sites on the Internet. Customers visiting web sites that focus on designs that are handmade, already appreciate the value of arts and crafts. Sell jewelry on Internet auction sites. Select auction sites that offer a storefront feature so you can combine all your products in one place. A presentation of the auction may be more expensive than running your own website, but it has the advantage of targeted traffic and repeated customers.
      There are several ways to generate traffic to your site. One of the most effective and popular ones is to publish a blog with facts and important information on how you use your jewelry and photos of your creations. You will need to promote your site, but it may take time and energy that takes the time to design jewelry. Make sure you are ready for that commitment. Provide a brief description of each design and jewelry with pictures. Descriptions should also be a variety of gems, metals and the techniques used to make jewelry. Techniques and precious stones can be described as wire wrapped beads, Swarovski crystals and silver-claw closure. It is a good idea to make your own website and sell jewelry, because it is the same brand, and you can also sign up for the Copyright Act. You can do that by registering a domain of your site. Create an e-commerce site to sell jewelry. There are strategies to increase online sales.

      Why That Customers Really Love an Instant Payment Option?!

      Whether a company is sending out an invoice through the physical mail or by email, their customers are inevitably given more of a challenge than they may want. This is because they are expected to view the paper invoice or look at what is likely to be a static PDF version of the bill and then seek out payment options. Depending upon the organisation, the bill may list one, two or more ways to pay but in all cases the customer has to plan time to respond. For example they may have to write out a cheque, find and address an envelope (unless it is supplied) and find/buy a stamp before posting off the payment. They also might choose to pay at a bank, local store or post office branch which takes payments for a particular bill (and perhaps stand in line or be cross-sold stamps or other products/services when they are paying. Perhaps a little quicker might be the time to call the merchant concerned directly (if they allow this) and make a debit or credit card payment (assuming the call centre is open at a convenient time). In all of these cases, the paying process requires quite a bit of time and effort and this is why so many customers now prefer to pay online if they can.
      If a merchant does facilitate online payments, unfortunately not all of the approaches provided are the same. In some cases, an organisation will bury the "ways to pay" module within their own web site. Others will offer a third-party online payment solution provider but the interaction process may be slow and cumbersome. In both of these cases they may require the customer to register before they can pay his or her bill, and this registration process may seek lots of information that the customer may be uncomfortable providing and take quite some time to enter even if they do. The key then is to think about what we said at the outset about offering a quick and easy to follow process and this means offering an instant payment option wherever possible.
      Instant payment can take a few different forms but essentially means that customers want to use only a few keystrokes at a given payment web site and not spend more than 4-5 minutes, at most, completing the transaction (which is what most current e-commerce research suggests customer say when they are purchasing at an online site).
      A customer therefore needs to be able to enter an invoice and reference number and immediately see their invoice online to review it (ideally in digital form as they would see it in the mail or as a PDF attachment). They then need to be able to select from a range of payment choices (and the more the better) and quickly fill in the data requested of them (credit or debit card number, card expiry date etc). Finally they should be able to review the intended payment transaction data and click "confirm" or "complete" and they are done (and print a receipt if they wish to). You'd think this simple set of requirements to pay instantly would be readily available now in a web 2.0 environment but it is more often the exception rather than the rule.